Credentialing/New Teacher Induction

Credentialing:  All teaching positions at Julian Charter School require a valid California teaching credential issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.  The appropriate credential for a specific teaching position is detailed in the job posting and the job description for that position.  Employees should ensure that the Human Resources department is aware of all current California credentials.  Please contact the HR Director as you renew or acquire new California teaching credentials. For assistance with obtaining or renewing credentials, we recommend teachers contact the SDCOE credentialing department.

Induction:  Julian Charter School provides, at no cost to employees, a new teacher induction program for teachers required to complete an induction program in order to clear their preliminary credential.  Newly hired teachers with preliminary California teaching credentials are automatically evaluated for enrollment in the Julian Charter School induction program, which is a partnership with the Riverside County Office of Education.